
Thorncliffe-Flemingdon Residents Council

For the last 40 years, health and social services organizations in Thorncliffe and Flemingdon Parks have been working together to improve local healthcare and create an integrated system of care across our community. Building on this long history of partnership, anchor organizations came together to form several networks and initiatives, such as the Thorncliffe Park Community Hub, the Flemingdon-Thorncliffe Inter-agency Network, and the East Toronto Health Partners.

These networks provide care and support to the ~55,000 individuals living in Thorncliffe and Flemingdon communities as well as others who choose to receive care in the neighbourhood. They include 50+ community, primary care, home care, hospital and social services organizations working together with patients, families and local residents to co-design a local healthcare system that works better for everyone and where patients and families receive more integrated care closer to home.

The emergence of these networks has generated a need to strengthen engagement and collaboration with local residents. The Thorncliffe-Flemingdon Residents Council (the Council) is key to moving forward the work recommended by these networks. Membership in the Council is drawn from community residents from the Thorncliffe and Flemingdon neighbourhoods and include non-voting representation from these networks and their governing bodies. The Council is collectively responsible for supporting the work being undertaken in Thorncliffe and Flemingdon Park and advocating for local emerging issues. See below for current membership.

Abdul Rashid Athar

Ali Meghani

Hajara Abubakar

Hamza Shahid

Mukund Shanbhag

Nazareh Shaikh

Nebat Yousuf

Safeera Hatia

Sameer Sayed

Stuart Totten

Reports & Publications

2016 Thorncliffe Park Neighbourhood Census Profile by City of Toronto (PDF)

2016 East Toronto Sub-Region Neighbourhood Profile by Toronto Central LHIN (PDF)